Background on Jarvis's INT in KC Game
By Kipper
Saw Merril Hoge go over this on NFL primtime wanted to share:
Merril Hoge astutely showed taht Doug Peterson (Current Eagles Head Coach
and former chiefs Offensive Coordinator) called a play that worked -- a TE
screen against steelers in Eagles game.
Then in KC game (Merril is surmising) steelers had watched tape of that
play that went against them in Eagles game and were ready for same play in
KC game even though TE was split to opposite. Heywood , the outside end,
correctly rushed upfield toward QB BUT this time he maintaining outside
leverage (which Jarvis jones had not done against eagles and TE was able
to get outside of him on screen) so that RB on screen had to run inside
Heywood and he was able to knock the RB down and then also jump up and tip
ball so that Jarvis Jones could get the INT which really changed the game
momentum against KC and enabled steelers to score on the short field and
be ahead 15-0...