Back Issue: September 2015

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

We are living in the past of Fahrenheit 451, the early stages of a culture which values feelings above thought, the history of a world in which the solution to any troubling idea is to eradicate it.  –  “Moral Climate

These back issue columns are becoming so short now!  After the occasion columns (for Mabon and Banned Books Week); the guest column (“A Client“); the harlotography (“Thargelia“); the fictional interlude (“Little Girl Found“); and the Q&A columns (“Social Disease“, “Once a Client“, “Off Limits“, and “The Spirit is Willing“), the only ones left to mention are “Whore Nation” (the growth of unified sex worker activism in the US), “Time Warp” (the weirdness of prohibitionist news stories), and “It Had To Happen” (my first missed column).  I’m starting to think of ways to expand this feature so as to make it more interesting; I’ll keep you posted.