The only defense against [totalitarianism] is absolute rejection of its underlying premise: that it is acceptable and even moral for “authorities” to abrogate the rights of individuals for a “greater purpose” or the “common good”. – “Pyrrhic Victory”
“The Power of Myth” all deal with it directly, while “The Pygmalion Fallacy” covers it in passing as part of a larger discussion of stupid beliefs about robotic whores. “Whorearchy“, “Naked Truth“, “The Daughters of Shamhat” and “Confined and Controlled” all discuss other beliefs about whores in comparison with reality, while “Mythbusters” hits on tangential issues; “Greeks Bearing Gifts” and “Stranger Danger” cover other wrongful beliefs about sex; “Variations on a Theme” compares drug prohibition to sex work; “The Shape of the Spoon” and “Push Comes To Shove” address the nanny state; and “Pyrrhic Victory” looks at widespread surveillance and the descent of the West into fascism. Finally, “Change of Heart” is a statement about the ethics of outing clients, and “Patterns of Schwartz” profiles the man behind some of my favorite comic book heroines.