Whole imaginary populations of victimized women and children are…created out of air. – “Imaginary Victims”
- Burke was the police chief who derailed the hunt for the Long Island Killer.
- When government stops prohibiting things & treats prisoners like humans.
- One of my 1st columns on “sex trafficking” hysteria & an angry reply to it.
- A better memorial: eradicating the awful laws she fought so hard against.
- Given petty tyranny of US prison officials, I’m amazed any of ’em allow it.
- One day: similar headlines on people framed on “sex trafficking” charges.
- Low-population states have the silliest supposed “gypsy whore” magnets.
- Amateurs are a menace to public health; license & heavily regulate them.
- San Diego has become one of the US’s most corrupt pocket police states.
- Our descendants will be confused about why we thought this noteworthy.
- Don’t want to worry about neighbors? Buy yourself a country house, twit.
- Huge UK raids have never found more than a few “sex trafficking” cases.
- Unless the unit deposits $400 into my bank, I’m not remotely interested.
- The age-old story of a mother refusing to accept her daughter’s choices.
- I had a feeling he’d extend this fantasy nonsense to his Swiss shop, too.
- Talk about serial killers targeting whores; don’t mention criminalization.
- Palantir is the same company which is helping cops spy on sex workers.
- How many hand jobs did these “heroes” get during their “investigation”?
- Truth from a politician: rarer than an anti-prohibition stance in Ireland.
- The Swedish model especially increases violence vs trans sex workers.
- Brave hero cops save The Children!TM from desperately-needy people.
- We keep telling you legalization isn’t much better than criminalization.
- When NPR questions “sex trafficking” hysteria, its days are numbered.
- It’s satisfying when the mask of concern for “trafficking victims” slips.
- Taiwan becomes the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
- Intelligence is not a prerequisite for public office or local news media.
- Media in the British Isles are much more critical of anti-porn hysteria.
- We’re lucky to have such moral exemplars to “protect” and “lead” us.
- Conditioning kids to accept surveillance of every aspect of their lives.
- Only 3 years from the time I predicted this to actual implementation.
- I just love the pictures of the little animal whores holding their cash.
- Not the first time Weinstein’s been accused of financial shenanigans.
- Finally, a US court finds something it isn’t willing to call “trafficking”.
- The best way to honor veterans is to stop making so many of them.
- It’s great to see so many physicians coming out against prohibition.
- Why attempts to prosecute porn as prostitution are doomed to fail.
- Please help sex workers recover from the two-month election lull.
- Crappy sci-fi TV show inspires pearl-clutching over a sex fantasy.
- I’m glad to see this dangerous placebo is flopping on the market.
- Enjoy the rest of your life on the “sex offender” registry, “officer”.
- What’s “shocking” is most people’s ignorance about sex workers.
- Reporter mysteriously drops talk of “sex trafficking” and “slaves”.
- The narrower the neck, the more “illegal” sex work there will be.
- When “child sex trafficking” really means “giving a friend a ride”.
- “Authorities” claim credit for streetwalkers shifting to online ads.
- If you think this as a positive development, read more carefully.
- Two creepy men attempt to sexually violate women unnoticed.
- Quite possibly the stupidest “sex trafficking” propaganda ever.
- Politicians work to get sex workers evicted & enrich the state.
- Court rules that SAVE Act doesn’t apply to regular escort ads.
- I think my car will soon be able to get to the airport by itself.
- The Daily News mocks the brutal murder of a young woman.
- This is the kind of sick mind that believes in “porn addiction”.
- Dianne Feinstein never met a police-state law she didn’t like.
- It’s good to see so many challenges to these medieval laws.
- It looks like Samantha Azzopardi is back to her usual tricks.
- Admit it; you knew Weiner would claim to be a “sex addict”.
- The quadrennial madness that is a US presidential election.
- A cross between an adult-sized Talky Tina and a Fleshlight.
- The beginning of my Doctor Who dates with Lorelei Rivers.
- Frankie Mullin on the then-recent Soho & Chinatown raids.
- Sadly nearing the end of the Great Clown Panic of 2016.
- Cops make up creative excuses for brutalizing gay men.
- Cornpone cop spins sexual fantasies of raped teen girls.
- The many, many, many rapist cops of November, 2016.
- Prudes will turn anything related to sex into a problem.
- This prohibitionist article is more of a mess than usual.
- Really, guys? Is it really so hard to just hire an escort?
- Judge is intimidated into backing down from a ruling.
- Note that this kind of abuse is also typical in the US.
- Co-workers mind woman’s children while she works.
- The defense of choice for sex offenders, plus ADHD.
- Sweden is so liberal, so pro-social, so just and kind!
- The problem with criminalizing sex workers’ clients.
- Once in a while a rapist cop gets his comeuppance.
- Because “I was wrong” isn’t in the cop vocabulary.
- A possible move toward decriminalization in India.
- A nice look at the religious beliefs of sex workers.
- Indefinite imprisonment without trial or sentence.
- Protip: suing your own offspring rarely ends well.
- Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?
- We need to keep protesting every damned sting.
- I speak at an anarchist conference in Oklahoma.
- SWOP’s annual fundraiser is going on right now!
- “A few critics call it a form of human trafficking.”
- Because laws are more important than people.
- Like reading something from the 17th century.
- Congress’ first attempt to control the internet.
- The bioethicists are now on our side as well.
- Young-relative-molesting cops of the week.
- Desmond Ravenstone introduces CoSWAC.
- “Youth pastors” are nearly as bad as cops.
- A very interesting development in Ireland.
- A rare decision in favor of self-ownership.
- Very little has changed for James Deen.
- The New York Pot calls a kettle black.
- Sex rays contaminate buildings!
- Some opposition to prohibition.
- I hate too-early Xmas displays.
- Do as they say, not as they do.
- Watch what you say, comrade.
- So much for unique humanity.
- Good riddance to bad rubbish.
- Let’s play “count the idiocies”.
- Much more of this, please.
- Are these people for real?
- My birthday week, 2016.
- Can a client be an ally?
- An odd Thanksgiving.
- The Himel decision.
- On “sex rays”.
- My boob job.