Superior authority does not grant superior wisdom. – “Q & A (Part One)”
- Cops & politicians enjoy vast circle-jerk to fantasies of enslaved teen girls.
- What “law enforcement” means in claiming it wants to “help” sex workers.
- It’s illegal to pay for sex in Sweden, unless you film it for everyone to see.
- This is pretty sleazy even for an anti-whore sleazefest like Law and Order.
- Americans keep pretending to be shocked, then keep caging more people.
- She “thought she was helping her friends” like I think I’m Maggie McNeill.
- Your periodic reminder that Dennis Hof is a revolting excuse for a human.
- Uber now wants its drivers to spy on sex workers & rat us out to the pigs.
- We’re not hearing quite as much of this “highway” bullshit as we used to.
- This man portrays men we choose to have sex with as “sexual predators”.
- Another private pogrom bankrolled by billionaire sociopath Swanee Hunt.
- May Rolling Stone‘s fortunes follow its credibility down the anti-sex toilet.
- Clown hysteria gives rise to organized violence & naked authoritarianism.
- Philippine president carrying the “War on Drugs” to its logical conclusion.
- More terrifying insanity from the Polk County, Florida pocket police state.
- Is any other work so often treated as a subject for “debate” by outsiders?
- ESPLERP vs. Gascon reaches a court which might actually do something.
- Liz Brown takes a scalpel to King County’s stupid response to her article.
- The majority of sex businesses worldwide are controlled by sex workers.
- Self-deception, pearl-clutching & offensive ignorance, all under one roof!
- I’m pleased for the very small part I played in helping expose this rapist.
- Lingerie shopping with other whores; Lorelei introduces me to Hamilton.
- Just a reminder that prohibitionism still exists in decriminalized regimes.
- Garments prostitutes were required to wear in medieval European cities.
- This ridiculous fantasy is nauseating even by “sex trafficking” standards.
- Picket-fence gay men are such wonderful, dependable sex worker allies.
- Nothing they can do to this monster would approach what I’d do to him.
- They can’t even maintain their own paradigm for more than a sentence.
- How could you have been promiscuous when you never amateur dated?
- Institutional responses to clown hysteria grow increasingly more stupid.
- Stupid assumptions about sex work result in incredibly stupid concepts.
- What happens when you don’t fight tyrannical laws from the beginning.
- “Operation Cross-Country” appears to be spreading to other countries.
- And some of you thought the clown thing was kind of off-topic for me.
- Po-faced twits with taped mouths carry pre-printed propaganda cards.
- An interesting article on getting funding for sex worker rights projects.
- Fascist scum like this will be first against the wall after the politicians.
- Why do so many losers want porn movies to be condom commercials?
- A program so unpopular cops need to force or frighten women into it.
- “Authorities” make another bogus claim about a “sex trafficking gang”.
- Future people will marvel at our deeply weird obsession with virginity.
- Amateur dating seems so creepy, weird and kind of disgusting to me.
- Seattle pretends to be “liberal”, but it’s home to vile bullshit like this.
- “…but that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
- Will Asstoon ever get professional help for his delusions of grandeur?
- Control freak lobbies for law defining adult sex workers as children.
- “They lied, of course. That’s what police officers are trained to do.”
- The bizarre things one finds in news stories about clown incidents.
- Picture a crab waving its claws around and foaming at the mouth.
- Half of all Americans are now in a pig facial recognition database.
- A win for Backpage on one front and a huge setback on another.
- A sex therapist debunks prohibitionist propaganda about clients.
- “Sex addiction” is now a defense even for violent sex offenders.
- The Great Clown Panic of 2016 continues to spin out of control.
- We aren’t hearing a peep out of Gay, Inc about this any more.
- Will you settle a dispute between me and another sex worker?
- As long as these laws exist, all women are vulnerable to cops.
- I find it darkly amusing that amateurs are so shocked by this.
- “Futurists” should put their “predictions” further in the future.
- Yet another study confirms what we’ve been saying all along.
- Isn’t the Swedish model at least better than criminalization?
- Prohibitionists want these guys to “protect” us from pimps.
- Canadian cops are trying to intimidate sex workers again.
- A testament to the entrenched stupidity of authoritarians.
- Prohibitionists claim the Mafia wanted Prohibition to end.
- Kamala Harris’ highly illegal publicity stunt vs Backpage.
- Lambda Legal files an amicus brief in the ESPLERP case.
- Another sleazy scam artist raping aspiring sex workers.
- Dinner with Christina Slater and Desmond Ravenstone.
- Caty Simon on the “sex work leads to drug use” myth.
- It’s impossible to express how much this delights me.
- A disproportionate number of actual pimps are cops.
- More “beauty salon sex trafficking” idiocy from Ohio.
- The ACLU files an amicus brief in the ESPLERP case.
- Sometimes even a little bit of “authority” is enough.
- While the feds actively persecute some sex workers…
- That’s how extraordinarily dumb this sounds to me.
- The shorter phrase for this is “prudish busybodies”.
- Robot whore fantasy meets blow job cafe fantasy.
- On the Trump “grab her by the pussy” brouhaha.
- Be careful out there, my sisters in Philadelphia.
- What should I do if I fall in love with an escort?
- Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever.
- Sexually-unsatisfied males can be dangerous.
- Possibly the most promising cure for HIV yet.
- Clown hysteria is a moral panic in miniature.
- Man of La Mancha with three other whores.
- “Youth pastors” are nearly as bad as cops.
- Felicia Anna on the “My Red Light” scam.
- Mississippi cops go ape shit over clowns.
- Developments in the Celeste Guap case.
- I love it when they feed on each other.
- My very first (two-part) Q & A column.
- A setback for women’s rights in India.
- Another massive pogrom in Soho.
- In which I get a new smartphone.
- All rapist cops of October, 2016.
- A short history of clown panics.
- Liz did this so I didn’t have to.
- What really causes addiction?
- Let’s play “count the idiocies”.
- Not a police state, no sirree!
- This is an excellent analogy.
- Introducing Science Hooker.
- My sex-related pet peeves.
- “Safe house” = “jail”.
- Links for Halloween.
- Stop faking! Or not.
- In memory of April.