Most people are willing to crawl to the politician, licking his boots in order to gain a few scraps from his table, but the whore merely laughs at him and reverses the relationship while providing living proof of the inability of his profession to eradicate or control ours. – “The Biggest Whores”
- Be skeptical of claims about the sexual habits of the “younger generation”.
- Economists don’t have a monopoly on stupid assumptions about sex work.
- Amazon’s not a library, but given prominence this is a censorship attempt.
- I’m sure you feel safer now that police “investigated” this “sexual assault”.
- Christina Slater on Seattle’s persecution of men who seek consensual sex.
- “Pedophiles” can shoot dangerous “male gaze” radiation through internet.
- Trying to turn Lawrence into a “monogamous vanilla amateurs only” club.
- Houston judge orders hotel to pay off cops & discriminate vs sex workers.
- Minnesota tries to cash in on “sex trafficking” hysteria before it vanishes.
- This woman is so puffed up, I think she’d pop if one stuck her with a pin.
- If there are so many “sex trafficking victims”, why keep making up tales?
- “New Orleans Ladies”, “Roxanne”, “867-5309”, “The Taxicab” and “Next”.
- Say you’re “fighting sex trafficking” & stupid people will give you money.
- Seattle “officials” think harm reduction principles only apply to drug use.
- Sometimes land grabs are more subtle, even if reporters’ language isn’t.
- Are politicians really stupider than other people, or does it just seem so?
- “Sex addiction” is now being used as a defense for violent sex offenders.
- Latest battle in France’s ongoing war on Muslimahs’ personal autonomy.
- Pompous ass seems committed to braying out of both sides of her maw.
- Prosecutors claim sex workers are victims and criminals simultaneously.
- Sweden emasculates its men, wonders why Swedes are having less sex.
- The myth of “sex addiction” sprang from “social construction of gender”.
- Being a “legal” sex worker doesn’t protect you, so stop your bootlicking.
- Cop thinks she can “build communication with sex workers” by robbery.
- I’m glad to see well-spoken & “out” sex workers appearing on podcasts.
- What happens when cops “enforce” laws against acts that hurt nobody.
- Say you’re “fighting sex trafficking”; stupid people will give you money.
- Most politicians are more careful when indulging in drugs with hookers.
- US “authorities” turn driving a friend to work into “child sex trafficking”.
- Once again, Liz Brown exposes the tyranny of “fighting sex trafficking”.
- Reporters should be ashamed of their attempts to shame sex workers.
- Gary Johnson’s position on sex work wasn’t quite so muddled in 1991.
- Philippine president carrying “War on Drugs” to its logical conclusion.
- Remember, cops: raping whores is OK; it’s paying us fairly that isn’t.
- Imagine if $100,000 was spent on services instead of spreading lies.
- A client who isn’t afraid of the cops and their stupid shaming tactics.
- On the fantasy that “predators” use video games to abduct children.
- Not rape, but he sure seems to think it was his privilege to fuck her.
- More groups are speaking up in favor of sex work decriminalization.
- Louisiana politicians destroy scores of jobs with the stroke of a pen.
- Nearly all “sex offender” laws are this unconstitutionally overbroad.
- How does this dude think he’ll get around UK brothel & avails laws?
- Why do economists make such dumb assumptions about sex work?
- Another violent cop, another black woman profiled as a sex worker.
- Ally uses the Desiree Alliance conference to introduce larger issues.
- Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together.
- “Punitive and stupid” describes all “sex offender” registration laws.
- Cops frame young men for supposedly “seeking sex with children”.
- Rent in exchange for sex isn’t “free”; it has been paid for with sex.
- You’re supposed to be a libertarian, Gary; this ain’t rocket science.
- Despite its appearance in Rolling Stone, this is an excellent article.
- They’re not going to like legalization & protectionism if they get it.
- Exactly like the World Cup two years ago. Why can’t people learn?
- Over 90% of violence against sex workers comes from the police.
- Ian O’Doherty with another denunciation of prohibition in Ireland.
- One of the rare times you’ll ever see me actually assist the cops.
- Putting extraordinary restrictions on cops is not remotely unfair.
- Why won’t those who know anti-sex dogma is bullshit speak up?
- Melissa Petro on the stigma faced by sex workers with children.
- These “experts” don’t criticize “john shaming” when cops do it.
- There’s no “if” about it; Melania Trump is or was a sex worker.
- Canada’s new law “protects” sex workers from lonely old men.
- Transmen are also the subjects of violence and discrimination.
- Mexican police do little to protect the transgender community.
- It’s always so sweet when a rescue industry scam is exposed.
- The problem is not with the act, but with the laws against it.
- Pig invents new excuse for criminalization of sex with goats.
- Another of those cases whose reported details don’t add up.
- The government stole all of Rentboy’s legal defense money.
- Yet “leftists” are still surprised that “feminists” are anti-sex.
- “Temporary protective custody” = indefinite imprisonment.
- To what extent is sex work criminalization tied into racism?
- This unsupported and hysterical assertion reeks of racism.
- “Sex trafficking” may be the first truly global moral panic.
- How can a young guy get an escort to take him seriously?
- Two men convicted for non-crimes against a non-person.
- Mounting opposition to “abstinence only” sex education.
- Because female sexual “purity” trumps individual rights.
- Just another reminder of what “rescue” actually means.
- Another health organization issues a pro-decrim report.
- On the slow decline of the devadasis in Indian society.
- Sydney Brownstone with an update on a sleazy rapist.
- In which I announce the return of my ability to travel.
- Amateurs, does this kind of stuff actually shock y’all?
- Not a bad introduction to the concept of whorearchy.
- August is also before the heat death of the universe.
- The result of stigma, encouraged by criminalization.
- “Dear Prudence” calls a reader on her whorephobia.
- Remember, this is pretended to be about sex work.
- Too much for the tiny, narrow minds of politicians.
- Irish cops start implementing the Swedish model.
- Most whores love Dolly as much as she loves us.
- How prohibitionists want to “help” sex workers.
- Wow, that’s some MIGHTY “suppression” there!
- Just a typical case in a typical American prison.
- A policewoman decides to turn to honest work.
- Slowly but surely, we’re forcing them to listen.
- Hmm, where have I heard this pattern before?
- The government is culpable in these assaults.
- In other news, Pope announces he’s Catholic.
- Another murdered transwoman, and another.
- Actually, this isn’t the “Nordic model” at all.
- How can my wife improve her sexual skills?
- This is, as we’ve seen before, pure bullshit.
- This situation is not even close to “unique”.
- A memorable cam duo with Lorelei Rivers.
- So much for “negative secondary effects”.
- On the lie of “negative secondary effects”.
- The boot has to be on somebody’s neck.
- Why do sex workers prefer older clients?
- Sweden’s “liberal reputation” is bullshit.
- Things I’m not going to tell you about.
- Sex drives technological development.
- The end of regular fictional interludes.
- Genitals come in all shapes and sizes.
- Why do politicians persecute whores?
- When a sick infatuation is frustrated.
- Kaytlin Bailey at the Fringe Festival.
- Undermining statutes of limitations.
- Canada wants a “pimp town” too.
- Getting my vacuum cleaner back.
- On caring for husbands sexually.
- Yet this isn’t called “trafficking”.
- Sweden, the feminist paradise.
- Rapist cops of August 2016.
- William Blake on politicians.
- Baltimore police are typical.
- The past exonerative tense.
- A week of highs and lows.
- The Yellow Rose of Texas.
- Rapist DA of the week.
- Holy idosing, Batman!
- A really intense week.
- A sex work glossary.
- A few book reviews.
- Fascism in action.
- Zero equals zero.