Bachelor In Paradise—Joe, the Newest Bad Boy

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Once again, it’s summertime and a new group of (old cast members) of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette have headed to an island in (Paradise). Viewers have some idea of what to expect as contestants vie for attention and compete for the ultimate goal of true love. Of course, on this show as on all the other spin-offs of this franchise, there is always the question of “Are they here for the right reason?” On this island, that could mean something a bit different, however it does boil down to who is sincere and can be trusted and who is not/cannot.

The first episode had the expected few who found instant attraction and coupled off quickly. Now that we are a few weeks in, they are beginning to look like the “old folks.” However looks can be deceiving, and is isn’t over until every new temptation has arrived and been considered and either accepted or rejected.

Every season must have at least one villain, and Joe Bailey has fit this role perfectly, right from the first few moments he arrived on the scene. Everyone expected this really outgoing, nice, FUNNY guy, but what they got was serious, quiet, brooding, nasty, and deceitful Joe. His behavior was so over the top in this last episode with Juelia that one might even wonder about his sociopathic tendencies.

Joe appeared lukewarm when presented with a date card and asked to choose a woman to go. Juelia mentioned that she would like to go horseback riding (the date) and Joe casually asked if she wanted to go. Juelia later wondered why he asked her, but it is obvious that she basically told him she was interested and so he asked. Up to that point, viewers were Ok with him because he clearly wasn’t into anyone there and said he was waiting for “Sam” from another Bachelor season and hoping she would join the cast in Paradise while he was also there.

Our discomfort begins when Joes acts very into Juelia on the date, says all the right things, and leads her to believe he wants to explore a possible relationship. Upon return to the group he makes references to her not being very smart, says the kisses they shared in the waterfall weren’t very good, etc. He candidly lets a producer know (on tape) that he isn’t into Juelia, but wants that rose so he will get to stay in case Sam comes on.

I think viewers could understand that he had his heart set on someone and was waiting for her, they could even understand him exploring other options to see where those might go. What no one is OK with is his calculated lying and manipulation and then adding insult to these injuries. There is no other way to say it—Joe is a JERK, a classic bad boy who is all in for himself and has no sense of shame or remorse for hurting someone as sweet and vulnerable as Juelia.

The take away here for all female viewers is to see how easily and effortlessly Joe pulls this off. It’s also important to note that others sense his insincerity and deceit and try to warn Juelia, but she wants to believe him, and he is so smooth as he puts on his wounded and innocent act. Bad boys do this to women all the time. They are very convincing, but usually someone sees it and tries to warn his victim, but to no avail. If this could be you ladies, remember that when several people are all saying the same thing, you should listen to what they have to say and weigh it carefully. Note to Joe—karma is a bitch, so fasten your seat belt.