[Award] Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

By Meiyuen Chen

Oh wow! I got nominated for an award!! And for inspiration! Do i  inspire you? HAHA!  Never thought i would get any since i see bloggers who are really popular and they get alot but for me.. Haha! I’m just so grateful!! Thanks Vignettes from https://vignette89.wordpress.com/ for nominating me! I feel really honoured. <3"><3"><3"><3 Ofcourse check Vignettes out, she is really a sweet blogger. :)

Just to share with everyone on the rules for this award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog.
  • List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers.
  • Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.
  • Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

Now that I’ve shared the rules of the award with you, here are 7 things that I like:

  • Food: To be honest, i like all sorts but not really into western / raw food. I guess my favorite would be Chinese food? :)
  • Place for Getaway: I LOVEEE going to bookstores/libraries, just love the feeling of big spaces
  • Song: Really obvious but i LOVE ALL of 2NE1’s songs. HAHA!
  • Book: I hardly read like narrative stories, i love books on photography, art techniques.
  • Movie: I guess recently i’m into Avengers?
  • Beverage: Teh-bing HAHA, it’s like milk tea but cold. And GREEN TEAAAAAA
  • Weekend Activity: Doing reviews, HAHA!

I’m gonna nominate : i didn’t follow much people x.x so i don’t think i will hit the 15 bloggers quota T_T

- Beautifulbuns 



-http://mysugarcoffee.blogspot.sg/ r



Omg… 6/15 oops! I will follow more bloggers! ):