Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
Thanks for all your sweet birthday wishes for my baby girl. We had a really quiet one but nonetheless, a happy enough one. I still can't believe my baby girl is 1! This is especially precious to me as I'm not having any more kids lol. As with any other mum, I so wish I can freeze every single moment.
There's a product that has been sitting in my 'Current' box for a few months now. It was sent to me to review and I have been using it every single day & night. Admittedly, it wasn't a brand I would usually reach for when it comes to skin care (I gravitate towards brands such as SKII, Burt's Bees & Kiehl's for my skin care) but I did enjoy using this one. I have Aveeno samples lying around but I have never tried Aveeno properly.

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer

This moisturizer has a beautiful but light, gentle scent. I am not as well-equipped to describe scents as I would like but I will just say it has a refreshing light cucumber scent of sorts. I do like it but I do know of people who will rather go for fragrance-free products as they are prone to skin irritations.
Prior to this, I have been using my Kiehl's cream daily so I have a good recent memory for comparision as they are both rather similar in texture. My Kiehl's one is fragrance-free and comes in a tub which is really annoying and unhygienic. I have no idea why I bought it; must have been one of those drowsy sleepy late night internet shopping moments when I just didn't think.
In this aspect, I really like that the Aveeno one comes in a very convenient and practical pump. No problems either in over-pumping large amounts; I like product packaging that is effective and this one is in terms of its control and pumping just the amount needed.
This moisturizer is a creamy medium in terms of thickness but it spreads very well. I was also really happy with how little I had to use in order to lightly spread a layer over my face. It is really light and non-greasy; just the way I prefer.
Of course, the main draws for me were SPF 15 (convenience!) and "with total soy complex & natural light diffusers". When it comes to my makeup/beauty regime, I'm all about highlighting & contouring. Hence, the "natural light diffusers" really did scream out to me! It claims to "reflect light & visibly smooth imperfections". This one I can testify to; I do think it was very effective in giving me that dewy glow.
The "total soy complex" is meant to even out skin tone ("reducing the appearance of blotchiness and discolouration"). I cannot really testify to this as I do not have a significant uneven skin tone problem.
Oh and guess who has recently become the new face of Aveeno?
 The very beautiful Jennifer Aniston!
Overall, I really enjoyed my first proper encounter with Aveeno. I am pretty happy with it so I think I will purchase when I'm done with my moisturisers!
Have you tried Aveeno's Positively Radiant range?
*This product was sent to me for review purposes. However, my opinions are genuine and uninfluenced.