Autumn is Here

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes

I'm about to head out shopping but wanted to put up a quick OOTD as I feel like Autumn has really hit me today. The light summer dresses are gone and have been replaced with more autumnal prints, cardigans and tights. I haven't quite decided if I'm happy about this or not as we've had such a lovely summer, although I do love getting cosied up in a nice jumper during the autumn/winter time. It's a pretty simple outfit with my floral dress being one that I picked up from New Look a couple of years ago, my comfy wine red cardigan coming from TK Maxx (the brand is Influence) and my brown beaded flats from George @ Asda. I forgot to photograph the bag I'll be taking but it's just my black Mulberry Mini Alexa that I think has seen better days now!
How will you be changing your wardrobe to suit the Autumn weather?