Author’s Rewind – Never Give Up

By Darcsunshine

Originally posted on Da Realz Talk:

Giving up is not an option. We have things in our lives that will cause us to throw in the towel and give up. It can be due to a breakup or not getting the job that you wanted, etc. There is a reason why those things didn’t happen and if I was a betting man, I would say it was something that in the long run would hurt you.

Suffering a break up especially when all the signs pointed to a successful life together is very difficult to deal with. You thought everything was right and after time, the realization of the promise of a successful relationship started to fade away. The doubts started to set in, and ultimately, the relationship was over. Did you ever stop and think, What could I have done better to make it happen? Why didn’t I step up and make the changes that…

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