- That Shaw is coming to fix our PVR today (I feel like we've been thrown back several decades the last few days).
- Library books - I love always having new books to read.
- Lemon Poppyseed muffins.
- Walking to work.
- Good night's sleep.
- My cat visiting me in bed.
- Banana orange smoothie.
- Making plans to visit MEC and UBC.
- Evaluating where I'm at and where I'd like to go from here.
- Fresh veggies from the garden.
- Supernatural Season 1 DVD should arrive today.
- That I found restaurants online for my upcoming trip to Vancouver so I don't have to stress about where to eat.
- Mom doing so much baking and cooking for us.
- My YMX shirt.
- Homemade iced tea.
- My ipod playlists.
- Watermelon.
- Quiet, lazy days.
- Eating both SCD and vegetarian.
- Reading in bed in the morning.
20 things I'm loving right now: