August & Everything During (US of Futbol)

By Simplyfutb01 @simplyjuan11

The show is back after a week hiatus, and while Robert is away, Daniel Feuerstein of the Feuerstein’s Fire Internet Soccer Show was on to talk about the beautiful game.

First off, we talk about the initial coverage of the Barclay’s Premier League on NBC Sports, and some of the reaction (not always supportive) of the American soccer community. Then the topic of the US Soccer Hall of Fame was brought up, based on an article by Neil Morris of Indy Week that talked all about the Hall being in storage in a warehouse in North Carolina.

We move on to talk about the US Men’s National Team and their victory in Sarajevo, and some news from within MLS. Finally, we break down the weekend’s scores and talk about the US Open Cup a bit.

Thanks for listening to the United States of Futbol show!