Audrey Hepburn Make-Up Demo: Jemma Kidd Make-Up Secrets Review

By Lisagray @juicysatsuma
Do you remember when I dressed up as Audrey Hepburn for a fancy dress party? It’s one of my favorite fancy dress outfits because it’s such an easily identifiable look. It also allows you to look classy, elegant and fabulous instead of either a) trampy or b) ridiculous, as is often the case with fancy dress.
I wish I had watched this amazing demo video from Jemma Kidd when I dressed up as Audrey! I've always been a fan of Jemma’s make-up range. I think that being a make-up artist herself means that Jemma knows exactly what women want from their make-up. She isn’t a marketing executive at a huge global brand. She’s a woman who works with make-up day in and day out.
I love the Audrey look which Jemma creates in this video. It’s so classic and timeless, and not just for fancy dress! It’s the perfect ‘going out’ look, and personally I love to use softer colours to adapt this look for daytime (brown liner, golden beige and brown eye-shadow).

j.kidd demo audhep wip02 from WDF Productions on Vimeo.
If you enjoyed Jemma’s video tutorial then you will LOVE her new book Jemma Kidd Make-Up Secrets. I was lucky enough to be sent a copy to review and I can honestly say that reading it has been a revelation. I really believe all women of any age should own a copy of this book!

Jemma shows you how to make the most of your face regardless of shape, tone, texture or anything else in 'Part 1: Making Make-Up Work for You'. 
In 'Part 2: Problem Solver', she answers some of the make-up questions which women ask time and time again. Dark circles are the bane of my life, but in this book Jemma provides really clear, idiot proof instructions on how to cover them. If I can follow them, anyone can!
In this book Jemma also gives advice on caring for your skin. This includes tried and tested advice on diet and skincare routines amongst other things.
The '5 Minute Make-Up Looks' towards the back of the book are a God send but my absolute favorite section of this book is the chapter called 'The Timeless Look'. Here Jemma gives step by step instructions on how to achieve classic make-up looks including the Audrey Hepburn look above. Audrey not your thing? What about smouldering Sophia Loren or understated Grace Kelly?

Has anyone got a copy of Jemma's first book, Make-Up Masterclass? I'm very tempted to ask Santa for it after seeing how useful Make-Up Secrets is.
Jemma Kidd: Make-Up Secrets is available from the 13th of November.
Lisa x
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