As More "bombshells" Wait in the Wings About His Messy Exit as Alabama Power's CEO, Mark Crosswhite Decides It's Best to "spend Time with His Family"

Posted on the 23 November 2022 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler

Alabama Power


The story of Mark Crosswhite's exit as CEO of Alabama Power apparently is far from over. In fact, it might just be heating up.

K.B. Forbes, publisher of the blog and CEO of the CDLU public charity and advocacy group, has been leading the way on journalism about unsavory activities surrounding Alabama Power, its closely aligned law firm Balch & Bingham, Drummond Company, and the like.

Forbes reports in a post today that he plans more "bombshell" reports next week, and he notes that they might have criminal implications. That could induce a few gulps in Birmingham's halls of power. It is unclear what alleged crimes might be involved and who might be implicated. But it likely will not be good news for Balch & Bingham.

The law firm apparently staked its future on the prospect that Crosswhite might become CEO of Southern Company, parent firm of Alabama Power. Forbes writes. Now, it looks like that bet will not turn out so well. Suddenly, it seems, Crosswhite has realized he needs to "spend more time with his family." Here is the full quote, from an article at Yellowhammer News:

It has been an honor working for a company that for more than a century has been dedicated to serving communities across Alabama,” said Crosswhite in a release. “As I approach my 60th birthday, though, I have come to realize it is time for me to spend more time with my family.”

Crosswhite and his PR team could not come up with something more creative than that? Apparently not -- and that seems to draw guffaws from Forbes:

Over a year ago, we reported that Crosswhite was “allegedly telling bourgeois insiders that he has the lock and key to the C-Suite at Southern Company, Alabama Power’s parent firm.”

The current CEO of Southern Company, Tom Fanning, made more than $21 million last year.

Crosswhite did not give up that opportunity to spend more time with his family and you, our dear reader, know his excuse is a crock.

As we wrote just last week, Crosswhite’s abrupt demise was caused by his unwavering loyalty to alleged racist law firm Balch & Bingham and absolute confidence in “Sloppy Joe ” Perkins, the founder of obscure political consulting firm Matrix. 

So furious at the collapse of his career, sources claim, Crosswhite allegedly refuses to even talk to his ex-law partners at Balch.

Rocked by Crosswhite’s ouster, Balch, sources claim, is allegedly in utter turmoil, near collapse as Balch’s lifeline may come to an end this year.

Just like Balch arrogantly thought it could make millions when their stooge, ex-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, was made U.S. Attorney General in 2017, Balch appears to have bet the farm on Crosswhite’s eventual coronation as CEO of Southern Company.

Balch & Bingham has been betting the farm on Jeff Sessions and Mark Crosswhite? Our advice is that you avoid following the Balch gang to Las Vegas.

As for Yellowhammer News, its article seems to point to Crosswhite's fury with his old law firm. Writes Forbes:

A fluff piece on Crosswhite’s ouster in Yellowhammer News affirms Crosswhite’s alleged anger at Balch & Bingham, by omitting Balch’s name, writing, “Crosswhite represented the company in private practice for 17 years before serving Southern Company in an official capacity.”

17 years at Balch as a partner forgotten down an Orwellian memory hole!

No wonder Balch celebrated its centennial anniversary in secret, hidden on a hilltop, last month.

Our advice to readers. Keep an eye next week on Forbes notes that Tom Fanning has a smelly mess on his hands at Southern Company -- and the smell might be about to get stronger:

Current Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning will have more horse stalls to clean up next week as we reveal more bombshells that could lead to possible criminal indictments.

The stench of horse manure is intense and overwhelming.