Article : Guide to Twilight

By Arjuunsahay

Many of you may be switched off even by the thought of reading about Twilight, same was with me. When you think about vampires you just don't think of these two kissing and being all romantic, we think about blood and people dying, but bare with me, you may just find how women brains work and what should you look out for.
If you have a girlfriend or sister or any lady friend, you must have seen her going gaga over the twilight movies. I was too suckered into watching one of these films and I hated it. When I first saw this movie, all I saw was a socially awkward and an insecure girl who most of the movies was having a serious case of umm, uhh, hmm, huhhh I guess she was just reading her chats or it could have been she actually forgot the lines so she made up these sounds. But the movie really made me laugh. The part where Bella enters the class and the face made by Edward….
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