I want to draw your attention to a great post written by Matt Friedman.
Matt is an aspie cartoonist and his cartoons have caught my attention many times before. You can see a lot of his cartoons by browsing his blog;
Dude, I'm an Aspiehttp://www.dudeimanaspie.com/
The post I'd particularly like to draw your attention to though is called;
Aspergers Advantages in the Workplacehttp://www.dudeimanaspie.com/2011/05/aspergers-advantages-in-workplace.html
In this post, Matt puts his finger on some of the most important reasons why having people with aspergers in the workplace is beneficial. In particular, he cites; logical thinking, originality in problem-solving, attention to detail, technical ability, accuracy, tolerance of repetition and honesty. He provides some well illustrated examples of each.
I urge you to have a read.
While you're there, you might also want to have a look at some of his other amazing posts. One of my favourites is Aspergers and Evolution;http://www.dudeimanaspie.com/2011/01/why-are-we-here-autism-and-evolution.html
Matt also has a paperback available at Lulu.com.