Arrivals | Palma Night 1

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

You probably know from my instagram that I am now finally on holiday … in Palma !! It’s all our first time here so we literally had no idea what to expect apart from sun and heat, bliss.  The flight was incredibly easy and was actually rather pleasant. We left the Pilton Penthouse at 2.45 pm, checked our bags in, zoomed past security and made for the airport lounge. We enjoyed a glass of rosé and then zoomed off round the shops back to the lounge in time to pick up a few snacks for the plane. I love my Smythson passport holder, it’s always such a joy to use and stands out well in my carry on. It also matches very well with Easy Jet !! Couldn’t resist this photo. | Similar passport cover from Smythson // HERE // It was a beautiful evening taking off and was a joy to fly through the clouds. And for once my packing was extremely organised and I had everything ready in plenty of time. This was unlike last year when I was rushing around like a mad woman and also furiously trying to post at the same time!! So much more relaxing having ...