Around the Road

By Vickilane

On Monday I went around the mountain to a friend's house to do some quilting.  This quilt has been in the works as a gift for a member of our community for an embarrassingly long time and I was happy to help.

That's the lower part of our farm seen from across the hard road and up a bit. . .

And this is down the road a bit . . .

The road around the mountain is quiet and curving . . .

Appropriately enough, my friend's barn is decorated with a quilt square.

There were three of us there to work on the quilt and we got a good bit done. My quilting skills, such as they ever were, have deteriorated badly for lack of practice but it was a pleasant day, catching up with news. Can one of our long time friends, a woman I met when she was pregnant with her first child, actually be a great grandmother? Good grief!

I was the first to leave as my back was starting with that ominous twinge it gets nowadays  . . . 

One never wants to leave a quilting party because you know that then you'll be the topic of conversation. I imagine my friends  noting how much older I seemed and how hard of hearing . . .

I just hope they did't look at my quilting stitches.