The picture looks at each Horoscope and talks about the traits of each one. Being a Virgo, I'm an easily exciteable person, so I was more than happy to see if I was typical of my starsign.
According to the image, Virgo's 'may get organisation happy. This is when their desk, drawers, filing cabinets, and even cutlery draws become brimmed full of things just for the sake of organising. They'll buy it just to organize it.'
True. Down to a T.
Organising, lists, filing and clearing out are my thing. I spent £30 in Primark recently buying acryllic storage, spent half a day organising my lipsticks by brand, shade and then finish before carefully stacking over 100 nail polishes in individual slots. A new storage container for each shape of bottle, of course. For me, that's a good day. I also spent the rest of the day creating folders for my blog clients, organised by alphabet and then sub folders for each subject. I also went through my phone and spent a good hour sorting through photo's and apps that needed organising. I can't help it, it's the way I was made.
I have this overwhelming urge to make lists. Christmas 2017? already listed everything I need to buy gift wise, who I am buying for, budget, how to save for the budget, when I'm buying the gifts and where I'm going to store them. In fact, I'll go one better - In December I donated a lot of clothes to a charity shop and created a 'free drawer' in my chest of drawers. I decided to do so in the event that I was given gifts over Christmas I would have a space to put things on Christmas Day without them being left sitting out. True Story. By 10am on Christmas morning, I had micro folded all of the used wrapping paper of 5 people's gifts to and from each other into a black bag and put it in the recycling bin, found slots in the wine rack for alcoholic gifts and packed away all of my gifts.
I'm not obsessively clean per se, but I am obsessively organised by nature, which is unlike my family. Don't get me wrong, my whole family are clean by nature and never leave a mess but none of them are obsessively organised. My Dad organised his gifts from Christmas on New Years Eve. That would have driven me crackers.
I am a typical Virgo, are you typical of your Starsign?
This article was written in collaboration with Furniture At Work™.