New research from Benenden Healthcare Society has unveiled a worrying trend among us ladies - four in ten UK women are more concerned about their looks than the state of their health.
The study of women aged 18-65 found that quite a few of us are more than happy to spend money on instant products which give the impression of health rather than buying products which are essential for a healthy lifestyle such as healthy foods, supplements, vitamins and gym/fitness activities.
Around 19% of responders confessed to crash dieting, eight in ten would be happy to continue with their unhealthy ways if they received a compliment, one in five would do anything to fit into a size eight pair of jeans - and worse still - one in 20 women confessed to laxative use as a helping hand to ease into tight-fitting clothes.
Staggeringly 93% agreed that Britain is an unhealthy nation, so why are some of us continuing to take health risks just to look good? It's utter madness.
Are we getting too fixated on cheats to looking good rather than being savvy with our lifestyles? I'd love to hear your comments on this one ladies...