Are Millennials More Likely to Develop an Addiction?

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Though addiction can impact anyone, studies have shown that the percentage of millennials suffering from addiction is higher than any other generation. Substance abuse rates have increased significantly in recent years, with some studies showing that drug-related deaths are up by more than 100%. There are numerous reasons why millennials have a higher chance of being impacted by addiction compared to other generations.

Mental Health Issues

Major depression is a common cause of addiction, and it has increased in millennials in recent years. Millennials are more likely to suffer from mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and stress, and they can negatively impact a person's health. Mental health issues can also impact a person's ability to make decisions, which can lead them to use substances as a way to self-medicate. This can then lead to addiction, and to get help, they may want to consider an intensive outpatient program for addiction.

Financial Hardships

Financial hardships are incredibly common among millennials. With high student loan debts, low-paying jobs, and higher costs of living than ever before, it's no surprise that many millennials are struggling with their finances. Many find they are more stressed because of rising costs without rising pay, and they may be more willing to turn to substances to help them feel better and forget about their financial worries for a little bit.

Unaffordable Healthcare

Healthcare costs have risen significantly, making it more expensive for millennials to afford a health insurance plan or to see a doctor when they aren't feeling well. Add into this financial issues that mean it's harder to take time off work to see the doctor, and this can have a huge impact. Millennials who have trouble seeking healthcare, especially for mental health concerns, may be more likely to try substances to self-medicate, and they may end up addicted to the substances as a result.

Social Media Use

While social media can help bring people together, it can also have dangerous repercussions. Millennials may find their mental health suffers because they see everyone else seems to be living a fantastic life, while they can't take time off work for necessities, much less a fun vacation. Some millennials may end up feeling depressed because of what they see on social media and how difficult it is to live up to the expectations they see, which may end up leading them to turn to substances.

Other Factors

There may be other factors, as well, that mean millennials have a higher potential for addiction. They may have grown up seeing alcohol as a normal part of life and have trouble stopping if it impacts their life. They may have gone through traumatic experiences and now have mental health concerns they try to self-medicate. All of these factors can add up, too, increasing the potential for millennials to turn to substances to try to feel better.

While turning to substances isn't going to help, many people end up turning to them to try to self-medicate, even if they only intend it to be temporary. There are numerous reasons why millennials are turning to substances more often, and many find it hard to quit on their own. If you're a millennial suffering from addiction, speak with a professional about your options today to start working on recovery.