April Fools’ Fun

By Hanna

One of the best feelings about being in a relationship is when you are accepted by their friends who in turn become your friends. I had this with M, when he finally told his best friend – A dai,  about me properly. A while later we then started talking and now he is a best friend of mine.

So naturally as April Fools’ Day came round we had to prank M as he is so gullible. We plotted the plan that A dai’s mother had rang him and told him he was to marry now.  We spent the morning perfecting the prank and even staged a fake text conversation which I took screenshots to send to M.

Along the lines of something I said to M when I thought he was onto us…

This goes along with the other pranks I have successfully tricked him into believing. On his birthday I told him that I had booked a Barbershop quartet to arrive at his house to serenade him in front of all of his neighbours.  I even got my SiL in on it as well who was going along with the prank. On his Birthday after he realised I had just ordered a cake and not a singing quartet he was relieved and asked me “Do Nepalese people even have singing quartets?”… A question I am still wondering to this day.

A gap in the market in Nepal!

Also, last Summer he asked if we could ride the public bus in London instead of paying for the tour bus. I really was not that keen on riding on a London bus for leisure, even if you could see some of the sights. So I told him the bus had been told they could no longer run on that route as it was putting the tour bus out of business. He believed every word like gospel and it wasn’t until months later when he mentioned it again that he found out I was only joking.

So for April Fool’s I knew that I did not have to try too hard as M is so gullible and will believe really anything. A dai and I searched  Google Images to find a believable future wife for him and started scheming details. We pretended that A dai had confided in me before telling M and that he was waiting to tell M in person. Instead of being more alarmed about the shock wedding, M was more concerned that his best friend had gone to me first and that he would have to find a new best friend now!

We kept stringing M along with the prank, whilst A dai threw in some curve balls like it would be a rushed wedding in May. M was then more concerned about what I would be wearing and which saree I would attend in. It wasn’t until today that we finally came clean and told him that it was an April Fools’ that we had played on him and his reaction was priceless.

It is always fun to act childish still and joke around with M. It makes me more excited to be reunited with him and enjoy my visit in Nepal with family and friends carefree and still young before more serious talks of engagement and marriage take place.

To make April Fools’ day even better, the countdown till I go to Nepal has gone below a month. I have been waiting for the time where it is only a matter of weeks until I arrive. Now it is here and I am getting even more nervous and excited. I can casually say that I will be in Nepal in just over three weeks. WOW.

My countdown today

How was your April Fools’ day? Do you have any stories of pranks that you have played? Please share below!