Apple 5 Fangirl Wants an iPhone Bad (but She’s Not Really Sure Why)

By Periscope @periscopepost
iPhone 5

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in North Korea for a week, you’ll know that Apple has just released the iPhone 5. Acrodd the globe, Apple fans have been queuing ’round the block to get their mitts on the latest slick gadget from the technology giant. In fact, excitement is so frenzied that some people who aren’t even that into Apple products or have much of an idea about what the new smartphone actually does are queueing up. People like Rachel, who film-maker Sam Roberts discovered waiting on line for an iPhone 5 on 5th Avenue in Manhattan for, well, no apparent reason.

“This woman is not a plant, she is a real person, and she is brilliant,” insists Roberts.