Apocalips by Rimmel London

By Balmainbeauty @BalmainBeauty
Rimmel London have launched a new lipgloss range called Apocalips (these are likened to the YSL lipglosses) or so I've read but not having any I can't compare them. The YSL lipglosses are £22 each.
Rimmel mentioned the Apocalips on their Facebook page last week but I'm a bit behind in blogging as you know so I'm only posting about it today. As yet, the Apocalips aren't available in Australia and New Zealand but I hope they'll make it here very soon.
Apocalips by Rimmel Londonpicture courtesy of Rimmel London's Facebook page. No Copyright Infringement is intended. I've also found out by searching "Apocalips" that Illamasqua have a range of lipstick's also called Apocalips so I don't know who came up with the name first but it's even spelt the same, check those out here.
I'm definitely interested in the Rimmel London Apocalips glosses and I'm waiting for my friend Pyari from Pyari Beauty to swatch them for me and let me know which colour's are the best. I'll post an update once I've placed an order with her on the colour's I've chosen and once received I'll definitely swatch and review and try and find out when they'll be available in the southern hemisphere.
I don't have any of the shade names, they weren't mentioned on Rimmel's photos so the above is all I have for now. From first impressions I like: the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th so choosing about 3 or 4 of these is going to be hard.
Do you think you'd buy a few, or do you want to swatch them all first and then choose, or not?
if you have any of these lipglosses please recommend shades, or if you know the shade names, please let me know by commenting below, thankyou.