Anthropologie Whipped Cream and Pears Candle

By Clairebelle @cbelleoftheball

I am a huge candle fan. Whenever I have a birthday or Christmas rolls around, you can be sure that there are several candle requests on my wish list.
Over the years, I've sampled quite a few different brands and scents and my all time favorite candles come from the beautiful Anthroplogie. To be exact, their Illume Boulangerie range. Not only do the candles smell amazing and look fabulous - they come in gorgeous, vintage French style ceramic screw top jars, but they are a great price. £14 for 40 hours burn time...but I've found they last slightly longer than that. My top fragrances have been the Sweet Vanilla and Cinnamon and Vanilla and Fig...that is until I tried Whipped Cream and Pear last year. A-MAY-ZING! Just the most precious fragrance of fresh pears and sweet cream...sweet but not sickly and makes the whole house smell beautiful.
I was very excited then when my hubby presented me with a hand wrapped parcel from Anthropologie for our anniversary on the 27th. I opened it up and a HUGE candle fell into my lap. Upon inspection, it was a giant version of the Whipped Cream and Pear candle. The Incremental version of these candles is brand new and twice the size of the original size, giving you 80 hours of amazing burning time. That's a whole lotta goodness. At £24 it is a tenner more expensive than the original, but with double the burn time, I think this is great value for money, especially when you take into account other luxury brands are at least £10 more than this!

What do you think of Anthropologie candles? Are you a fan? Enjoy x