Let's see what on Earth I was up to because right now, I don't see how I had no time to blog. What was I doing?
Monday: I ran 2.1 miles after work, did my 3-minute plank, and followed it up with 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Flexibility. My hip popped a bit and I was hoping that fixed the aches from darling daughter pulling on me during the previous Saturday. My average heart rate was 96.
Tuesday: I ran 6.5 miles before work and did 3 x 0.5 miles at an 8'00" pace for my intervals. I did my 3-minute plank and 15 minutes of yoga - Intermediate Combination. The yoga seemed tough. After work I ran an additional 2 miles and tossed in 15 more minutes of yoga - Beginner Relaxation. That class was nice! My average heart rate for the AM was 160 and it was 104 for the PM.
Thursday: I ran 3 miles at home before work, did my plank, and 15 minutes of yoga - Intermediate Combination. After work I ran an additional 3 miles at home. My average heart rate in the AM was 100. It was 115 for my PM session.
Friday: I took the day off of work for darling daughter's May Day performance; therefore, I had the chance to run a quick 2.04 miles outside with dear hubby. My average heart rate was 129. I did my plank and 15 minutes of yoga later without putting my sensor on. The class I did was Intermediate Flexibility.
Sunday: The night before darling daughter said she wanted me by her side all day on Mother's Day. By morning, I was going to do just that so I ate eggs and bacon with her. I made her her favorite breakfast after she gave me the two sets of earrings she picked out for me. Ironically, I took her to the store, checked the price, and paid for them without ever seeing them and they are perfectly me! After breakfast she said I should go outside and run since it was Mother's Day. It was one of her many gifts to me and I did run and cherish the gift. Although 13.35 miles on eggs and bacon is not the best idea. Just saying. When I got home I got more love - cards, mulch, plants. Then it was time to do my plank (which was incredibly tough) and 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Relaxation. My average heart rate was 149 from step 1 of the run to the final pose in the yoga.
Later Sunday we went to the lavender farm and did the scavenger hunt and enjoyed the delicious scones. I had lavender coffee. Darling daughter had lavender lemonade. Dear hubby just loved the scones! And yes, we got rained out but once that rain died down we did our gardening at home. It was a busy day but a wonderful day! Can we rewind and go back?
I do love the Polar Loop for showing me what I am doing each and every day. What I really want to focus on is to make sure my rest days, typically Mondays and Fridays, are restful. Here is last week:
I am happy I hit 40 running miles this week. Sunday marked day 864 of my running streak and day 134 of my yoga streak. Next week my plank is supposed to be 3:05 a day and I am seriously considering not planking on my long run days. That was really tough yesterday and I question if it is necessary to push it or not. What do you think?
This post will be linked to the #bestfoot link up through
Run to the Finish,The Adventures of a Darwinian Fail, and The Sweet Life with Ericka. I love this link up and each week strive to find at least one new lady to support! Jump on over and find some awesomeness and add your own!Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my life.
Daily Affirmation: I have an abundance of love to share!