Another Search Terms Post

By Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

Because it’s that time of year again. Far enough into the year that all the end of year stuff needs to be done right now, not far enough that it’s already been taken care of. It’s longer work hours and no brain left for blogging. So you get search terms.

nearly naked yoga — Well, not here, no. But you go right ahead if that’s your thing.

assholes are people, too — Yes. Though it might be nice if fewer people were assholes.

pizzas diet — This sounds to me like an excellent way to ruin my enjoyment of pizza. I like pizza somewhat more than I think is average, but eating a primarily pizza-based diet strikes me as likely to cause me to get really fucking tired of pizza really fast.

gentle evening yoga sequence — This yin practice is my favorite that fits that description, though I’m certainly interested in other suggestions as well.

yoga poses to help you fart — Well, there is wind-relieving pose, which definitely is named in a farting direction. Truth be told, though, I’ve never needed much help in farting, with or without yoga.

post my boner — No. Get your own fucking blog.