Another Birthday

By Rubytuesday
It's my Mum's birthday today
I won't say what age she is
As she could very well take a contract out on me if I disclosed her age
The whole family is heading out for lunch today
Which I am a little bit nervous about
But my sister and I checked the menu on line
So at least I know what to expect
I find eating out in restaurants quite hard
And back when  I was purging every morsel I ate
It was just a down right waste of money
Paying good money for food that ends up in the toilet?
That's just silly to me now
Although I used to do it all the time
Because we will be gone all day
I had to ask my neighbours to keep an eye on my dogs
And feed them at lunch time
They are an elderly couple
And the nicest people you could meet
It was kind of funny
Because I was stood in their kitchen
And they both stood either side of me
Looking me up and down
 And telling me how good I looked
And what I difference there was in me
'I know, I've gained so much weight' I said
'Yes!' replied my neighbor as she punched the air (This woman is in her 70's)
At one point I felt like a prize pig at a show
They were eyeing me up so much
I am getting used to these comments
I am getting so many of them
I had always presumed that when I gained weight
People gave compliments because having a bit of weight on was the lesser of two evils
I didn't think they actually meant what they said
I've decided to stop weighing
It was driving me bananas
And I really don't need that stress right now
I am such an impatient person
That I gave my Mum some of her presents yesterday
I  just couldn't wait
But it's ok
Today we are bringing her shopping for a new hand bag
So that's her main present
I tied a balloon to Honey's collar
And sent her in to wake up my Mum
Honey was not impressed as you can see in this photo
Mum thought is was hilarious though

I'm off to make my mother breakfast in bed
Will post photos of said lunch later on
See you on the next post............