Annnndd I'm Back!!

By Thepolishwell @thepolishwell

Yes! I made it back from the most grueling revision + exam period ever (as of now)! Cramming 8 subjects in under 4 weeks is definitely no joke and I really regret not being more hardworking before that. I really wouldn't have made it without my friends so here's a huge THANK YOU to my friends if you are reading my blog! I love all of you!
A huge THANK YOU also goes to all of you for staying here with me! I will be working on getting swatches up as soon as I settle the post-exam matters!
That aside, I've also went through the rafflecopter entries for my last giveaway and here are the lucky winners!

Congratulations ladies!!
I will be sending an email out to you so please do check your inboxes (or even spam folders)! You will have 48 hours to reply after which I will have to pick a new winner if there is no response from you.
If you did not win anything this time round, do not despair! I may or may not have something up my sleeves for you! *winks*
Yup, so that's all I have for now! See you around soon!