The staying powder was poor too.Soon after application the glitters were already flaking and falling on my cheeks.
I wouldn't really recommend this for EOTD's but i'm thinking of using the remaining for my nail arts.And maybe sprinkle them on my hair and body when i go for some late night concerts/clubbing.

The pigmentation isn't very impressive but it can be gradually build up to how intense you want it to be.I love how light it feels on my skin.And blending is a piece of cake.I used the Brigette's BoutiqueAngled Kabuki to apply and blend.
The staying power is 5-6 hours even without primers.Didn't clog my pores or gave me breakouts <3
Overall- I love this blush.And i wouldn't mind buying the full size once this sample gets over.
You can buy it from HEREPRICE-$9.50The shipping charge to India is $15