and Now for the Bigggg Reveal…

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

…which I am warning you, isn’t all that big. Usually I go all out on my costume, but as I get older and older, I get lazier and lazier. The costume this year was actually inspired by a dress that was gifted to me by oh-so-fab cousin. Black velvet with sheer bat wing sleeves, what better witchy dress could there be? Well that’s what I figured it would turn out as, but it didn’t go down that way.

I didn’t try the whole outfit on until about an hour before we left, and I realized that without a witch hat, I really was just a gothic looking girl in all black. I had some little mini top hat from a few years ago and decided to throw that on with a plethora of necklaces. I still didn’t really know what I was when I left the house, but I figured I’d let the public slide.

Public: “What are you?”
Me: guess?
Public: Slasher from Guns n’ Roses
Me: totally.

Perfect, Slasher from Guns n’ Roses was JUST the look I was going for. Worked out in my favor.

+ Wish, wish, wish I got a better picture of my make-up! You can slightly spot my gold crescent moon on the side of my face- it was pretty radical. Also, you can find my fave fave fave crimson lipstick here. Obsesssed.

+ All about the accessories & a fun manicure.

+ Me and my P.I.C. of the night, miss Kikadoo a.k.a. le jungle cat.

+ You tell me… Slasher? I think so.