An Update!

By Cinnamonspring @CinnaSpring

Hello!! I know my last update was a while ago (last February) but I’ve been so busy/lazy to get onto WordPress to blog! I just recently got my first iPhone, after years of Nokias and a Blackberry and I must say I am liking it very much!

So I’ve started my pupillage in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia since January, and so far so good I’m getting used to working life but once I get home I really don’t have any motivation or energy to blog or even DIY! My weekends are mostly filled up and that pretty much leaves me with no time at all…

I’ve got so many DIY ideas lined up but executing them is going to take me more discipline! Though just a few days ago I managed to revamp a broken glass bracelet into a chunky one:

I’ll post a tutorial on it soon, super easy!

Kuala Lumpur’s great, I do miss home in Borneo loads but can you believe that pupils don’t get annual leave for 9 months?? Every day we miss will have to be replaced, therefore delaying our Call to the Malaysian Bar

It’s a quick update, but hey, follow me on Instagram: vorlotwen

Have a great weekend everyone! xx