An Adventure in Sintra, Portugal – In Photographs (Part Three)

By Malavika

This is the last post in the series of photographs from Kat and I’s adventures in Portugal (with a few selfies sprinkled in there too). Thank you for letting me share all of these with you. I hope you get a chance to visit this beautiful country if you haven’t already.

Some treasures I bought from the market.


Gurrrrl, you craaaazy!

A lemon tree growing in someones back yard that overlooks a gorgeous valley of forest.

Posing perfectly for me!

It can be a challenge to photograph the grumpasaurus in her natural habitat. But it can be done.

And she may even flash us a smile!

This one has a funny story. I always carry my frisbee with me in my handbag…just incase. Just incase someone someday wants to play frisbee with me. Which never happens, by the way. I bring the frisbee with me everywhere. Including every day to the hospital where I go to study. I even bought the frisbee to PORTUGAL with me in my handbag, and Kat promised me she would play with me, but we never did :(

We stopped by a quaint little cafe to try some of Sintra’s signature baked goods.

It was yum.

And I fell asleep next to this beautiful girl! Goodnight Portugal. Thank you for having us.

malavika xo