Aloha Friday!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
This week has felt like an eternity. As much as I thought I would be floating on clouds this week with the Run for the Whales behind me I was so wrong! The run is definitely not behind me as I still have lots to do with getting back to runners with details, medals, etc. It is keeping me very busy and quite frantic. I would love to say that this all that I am juggling but guess what? There is more! Yes, I am managing a craft fair. Do not ask. Trust me...come Sunday the 16th things will indeed cool down some at work, okay, not really, but I still have my fingers crossed that then I can get back into my normal training. This is and will always be a hard time of the year for me to run. I really need to accept it. I have to accept it. I have a hard time accepting it. Oh me oh my! Life would be easier if I accepted it!
My weekend plans are HUGE too and as much as I am excited about some of the things up my sleeve there is a part of me saying oh me oh my again! Darling daughter's birthday is Monday. My baby is turning 6! We have some cool plans but I will get to those another day and fill you in. Right now I just want to wish you a beautiful weekend full of warmth, sunshine, and love!
Happy Friday!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for dear hubby.
Daily Affirmation: My endurance will remain!