All About Hair!

By Beautyandthecheap @beautynthecheap
 Like a lot of you know, I just finished my hair styling course and as much fun as it was, I was not very good at it. >.<
I think the main reason behind me not being very good at hair was the fact that I had nobody to practice on! My sister who is my makeup guinea pig had conveniently cut her hair short and shortsightedly so had I (no pun intended!!)  
So I would get no practice whatsoever on an actual person, the only hair I had used ever was the hair on the dummy at class! And obviously that dummy can’t yell when I pull or burn her hair! Lol! Although I did treat her like she could most of the time, I panic at hair OK?!

hot roller set on le dummy

My worst subject was definitely braiding, I still haven’t managed to make the perfect French braid, I had bought a fake plait to practice braids on but that braid was super horrible! It was basically plastic and would tangle in seconds, not to mention you couldn't heat style it without melting the whole thing! >.<

Kick ass Victory Rolls! My fave style! ^_^ The angle makes them look huge btw!

Anyway, I wish my own hair was longer right now, I've always had very short hair as a kid, think crew cut! But when I started college I started growing it out, the longest it ever was, was in May before I cut it, it was down below my shoulder blades. *sobs*

Old/ Long Hair: Imagine longer than frame! Lol! Sorry, best picture I got!

Then I don’t know what got into me, I think it may have been the crazy hot weather because of which I was all, “Screw this! I need a haircut!” So, after 5 years of growing it out, I had snipped of most of it in 5 minutes, my hair now reaches a tiny bit below my shoulders.
Don’t get me wrong I love the convenience of having short hair but there are times I miss my swishy long hair too!

New/ Short hair: Just after I got it cut. It's more purple now than red. :D Also notice lack of eyelashes, what is up with that? O__o

 I've been so obsessed with getting my long hair back that I've been looking into hair extensions! And dayum there are so many to choose from it is actually crazy!I was looking at besthairbuy.comand they seem to have some pretty cool pieces, plus they’re really cheap! And you know how happy that makes me! Lol! 
There were ones which were Brazilian hair; I've heard that is supposed to be good but they seemed to be mostly weaves, I think I would prefer clip- in extensions, just because they would be so easy to change! Plus unlike my gross nylon braid I can actually style them because they’re human hair! Lol!
I’m lemming a blond one, so I can color it whatever color my hair is at the moment! What do you think, cool eh? I might get one eventually and paint it all the colours of the rainbow!
Have you ever used hair extensions? What's your favorite hairstyle? Tell me in the comments below! ^_^
Thanks for reading!