Alice in Nappyland's 10 Empties Challenge

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic

The lovely Alice of Alice in Nappyland is having a 10 Empties Challenge starting today. The goal of the challenge is to not purchase any new hair, beauty or makeup products until you have emptied 10 whole products. The purpose is to cut down on the excessive amounts of hair and make-up products many of us have. 

The Rules: 

  1. As of March 26, 2013, no new products. Period. Unless a Big Horrible Thing happens. 
  2. 3 deluxe samples = 1 full sized product 
  3. 1 jumbo sized product=2 full sized products  
  4. If a product has been declared a Holy Grail prior to March 26, 2013 you can repurchase it. 
  5. If you run out of an Essential you are allowed to repurchase it. (ex: you only have one bottle of shampoo and you finish it as part of this challenge, you can get another bottle. Clean hair is important) 
  6. You can buy products as gifts for other people. 
  7. Swapping products is acceptable (and encouraged!) but you can’t buy new products with the intention to swap them for something else. 
  8. Products that have gone bad do not count as “Empties.”
This should be fun. I really have a TON of hair and beauty products, so this should help me cut down. As I finish things I intent to review them here as well for those interested in what products I use for what purposes for hair and beauty. 
Who else would like to join?!