Algonquin College GIS Graduate Certificate

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Algonquin College

Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Program(s): GIS Graduate Certificate
Prerequisites: University degree or College Diploma

The Geographic Information Systems certificate program offered through the School of Advanced Technology at Algonquin helps to provide students with a solid background in GIS technology, cartography, remote sensing, and web GIS application customization. Students learn GIS theory coupled with everyday GIS practical skills as courses are orientated in a way to help better prepare students for employment opportunities in various Geomatics sectors. The 1 year GIS program is considered to be a “Mobile Learning Program” meaning that students are required to have their own laptop computing device.

Contact Info

1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K2G 1V8
David Broscoe - GIS Coordinator
613-727-4723, Ext. 3350

See the Course Web Site for more details.

 [images sources: & John Weir - ]

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