Alfresco Anti Bug Bite Products

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple

I am loved by the bugs and insects, bees, mosquitos, ants, spiders, you name it. 
Once we were on Holiday on Club Med and we were having our dinner with my family, bees were visiting tables one by one, out of all the customers in the hotel, I was the chosen one :D  (of course at a hotel by the seaside and surrounded by the flowers, grasses in a green environment it is normal, but not so normal if you are the only one who got attacked)
When I received this info from the lovely Alfresco people, I had a laugh, as it was just like describing me and my situation. 
I hope this article will help you, I have not yet tried their products yet, as summer is over and I have no holiday plans, but for those planning to go on Holiday, might consider to buy a product like this protect themselves, or babies. 
Some people naturally attract bug, and flies.
Although there is no scientific proof of why? but I read in an article that it also depends on your blood type. 
There are several anti bug bite products but most of them contains alcohol, it ruins your clothing, nail polishes, furnitures and  it leaves marks, stains.
Alfresco is simply the best natural insect repellent available. It has a surprisingly gorgeous fragrance while it is made to repel mosquitoes and most every bug on the planet. Insects mind it, but people don't! Made from a blend of over twenty essential oils, Alfresco leaves your skin feeling great- and bug bite free.
All of our anti-bug bite products contain the unique essence blend which is the secret behind why Alfresco works.

The Alfresco Anti-Bug Bite Moisturizer and the Acqua d'Alfresco Fragrance Spray work equally well and you should put both in your shopping basket today. For maximum effectiveness, use them together.
Fifteen years ago, A volunteer at the London Chelsea Physic Garden invented Alfresco, a luxury perfumed insect repellent.
Over the years our insect repellent has been taken on holiday & used by thousands upon thousands of travellers. There are some people who won't travel without it!
The Alfresco Fan Club includes a variety of wonderful loyal customers: doctors, artists, gardeners, actors, and celebrities. What do they all have in common? They especially don't like mosquitoes. The mosquito is not only really irritating but also potentially dangerous as it can spread diseases like malaria.
The only bug repellent that protects people from the cradle to the rocking chair- men & women love to use because its sweet/spicy fragrance is soooo good. It is perfect and mild for children who love to run in the outdoors.
Alfresco is Deet Free and contains a blend of essential oils that make it powerful in keeping bugs off! Compare to citronella based products and competing brands. Try it and you may never use anything else to keep bugs off and away again.
People rely on the Alfresco Brand to make their travels happy and bug bite free. So, if you are planning a naked picnic or a visit to a naturist beach, it's not funny- Alfresco will protect you!
Since 1996 Alfresco has been tried and  tested by The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Alfresco is Deet Free and contains a blend of essential oils that make it powerful in keeping bugs off! Compare to citronella based products and competing brands. Try it and you may never use anything else to keep bugs off and away again.
Alfresco’s natural and hypoallergenic products are free from sulphates, deet, dyes, parabens and lanolin. The aromatherapeutic formulation includes 22 essential oils such as: Cinnamon, Cloves, Patchouli and Cedarwood.
Alfresco stars on the Silver Screen
You may not know but all of the best and brightest Hollywood stars are using Alfresco on location. For example Sarah-Lou Morris (Reekie) took a phone call from Jodie Foster, the American actress, who was in Malaysia filming Anna And The King. Foster wanted to place an order for Alfresco, Reekie's anti-insect moisturizer, to avoid getting bitten during filming.
Die Another Day Featuring Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan.Cold Mountain Nichole Kidman & Jude LawCaptain Corelli's Mandolin Featuring Penelope Cruz and Nicolas Cage.
You can buy and get more info about the brand through this link
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