Aisha Tyler on Her Divorce from Jeff Tietjens

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Aisha Tyler became tearful last week as she discussed (on-screen) the break-up of her 20 year marriage (25 year relationship). Sigh—is no Hollywood marriage immune to this? It seems that celebrity, the fast life, constant separations due to work, and all those temptations are just too much.

Aisha wasn’t specific about WHY the marriage is ending, however she did seem to be looking forward and saying all the right things about how much he had meant to her and how she only wants his happiness. Her remarks sounded like those of the “lever” not the “levee”.

Apparently they were very young when they got together and have been married almost half her life—yet, it seems they have discovered they don’t want the same things going forward. We will probably never know the whole story, and really, it is none of our business. But it would be nice to get more understanding of WHY celebrity seems to be the worst thing for a relationship. I also find myself wondering if it is a chicken and egg thing. Does it have more to do with having a large ego and a need for attention and a constant rush that leads someone into the showbiz life—or does celebrity change people so that a committed relationship and predictability turns them into folks who need constant attention and have a craving for new thrills. Either way, the end result is another divorce Hollywood style.