Airtel 4G – The Fastest Network Ever

By Shreoshe

It is a real turn-off when our mobile network sucks the time we need it the most. Remember the innumerable times you cursed your mobile network just because the video which your best friend has sent you on Whatsapp just won’t download or your GPS would take centuries to show proper location? We all have faced similar situations in our life. Internet being an integral part of our lives, play a major role in keeping us connected to the world. Today, we use internet to get latest news, stories and all that is trending on the web in no time. We also avail different kind of services like booking cabs, flight tickets and even for buy groceries through internet. The main reason why we avail internet services for online purchases instead of going to the stores physically is to save our time but poor network can hampers the process and we may end up getting frustrated. A steady internet connection with superb speed is what every one of us wish for and that is why most of us are always in search of a better service provider than our existing one.

 As many of us are aware by now that Airtel has already launched its 4G service. It is the first telecom operator to rill out 4G services across 296 cities in India. According to them, gone are those days of overnight movie downloads and low resolution video streams. The Airtel 4G service is much faster and better than any other network and they are offering their 4G services at the price of  3G which means you get to use high-speed internet at the cost of your regular data pack. To avail this facility, you need to have a 4G enabled phone with an Airtel 4G sim and you are ready to experience  the fastest internet service ever.  You can also upgrade your Airtel 3G sim to Airtel 4G at no extra cost. If you already own a 4G handset, here’s a good news for you, you can get your Airtel 4G sim delivered right at your doorstep. Just tweet to @airtelindia using the hashtag #GetAirtel4G and they will send you a link to fill in your details. Once you fill the online form, you will get your own Airtel 4G sim delivered to your home! So you needn’t go out and find an Airtel store to register and purchase the sim because you can now get it just with the click of a mouse.  When Airtel is making it so easy and comfortable to get a 4G sim , I’m sure using their 4G service will be a smooth and delightful experience too.

Do you need the speed? Then switch to Airtel 4G today, enjoy unlimited facilities and stay connected to the world!
