Ageism and the 12th Doctor Who

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
Hubs and I are big Doctor Who fans. We've already decided that whether our first child is a boy or a girl, the nursery will be Doctor Who themed. I dressed as the 11th Doctor for Halloween this past year: 

We've been very excited the past week as the 12th Doctor was set to be announced on Sunday. My hopes were for a non-white or non-male Doctor. It's 2013, it about time. I also would be fine with an older Doctor to diversify the character. My main hope was not having a Doctor who I knew from any other show. I like the Doctor to ONLY be the Doctor in my head. 

The 12th Doctor was announced as Peter Capaldi: 

I am disappointed. He's white. He's male. I know him from his role in The Thick of It. One item in my hope list was fulfilled, he is older. While I find this slight bit of diversity to be refreshing, many others are appalled by the fact that the 12th Doctor will be older than Doctors past: 

I knew there would be backlash and racism/sexism if the 12th Doctor were of color, or a woman, but I hadn't anticipated people being so upset about his age. 
What do you think about the choice for the 12th Doctor?