African Botanicals: Skincare Products Derived from Nature

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Africa's forests, bushveld, and Savannah are nature's apothecary. Wander her deserts, mountains, and valleys and you'll discover all sorts of plants, herbs, and succulents. Some are edible, others are medicinal and others are more cosmetic in value.

In this article, we explore a few skincare products that are natural, safe to use and formulated from African botanicals. But before we focus on the creams, gels, and oils let's take a brief look at how natural skin care products came about.

The Origin of Natural Skincare Products

Since the dawn of time, the indigenous people of Africa have had an intimate relationship with Mother Earth. They've built a vast well of knowledge about the animals and plants that share their world. This knowledge has been passed down through the generations by word of mouth and in song, dance, and stories related to the fire.

Discovery was based on simple trial and error. Someone may have eaten a particular plant or herb by mistake and been pleasantly surprised when it alleviated pain, discomfort or inflammation. Another may have made a paste from the leaves, bark or root of a succulent, shrub or tree and applied it to her face to prevent sunburn... and been blown away by the resulting smooth silky skin.

In countries like South Africa, enterprising folk has tapped into this information. Today there are entrepreneurs who are creating commercial skin and healthcare products that use the same recipes and formulations as the ancient tribesmen and woman of the San and Khoi.

Others are experimenting and finding new and exciting applications for the plants and herbs that grow naturally across the country. Despite this pioneering spirit, commercial skincare products from Africa are safe and regulated.

So if you buy one of these products, you can rest assured the advertised results are not a lottery or free slotsplay games. Your skin will be benefitting from the natural healing and revitalizing properties of plants plus scientific formulations based on millennia of trial and error! Here are three African botanicals that are the basis of a range of commercial beauty elixirs:


Kigelia Africana is a large flowering tree that's found growing wild across Africa. It's also known as the sausage tree and is instantly recognizable from its blood-red to maroon flowers and sausage-shaped fruit. Apart from being a firm favorite with all manner of wild creatures, Kigelia is a key ingredient in a variety of best selling skin care products.

Sausage tree or Kigelia cream is used to treat a number of skin problems that range from psoriasis, acne, and eczema to age spots, wrinkles and dry and sun damaged skin. It is also recommended as a day to day moisturizer. According to an increasing number of women who are using the cream, you can expect a beautiful, smooth and healthy skin within just seven days.

On a more scientific note, Kigelia works in synergy with natural healing processes and boosts the production of melanin, elastin, and collagen; essential building blocks for a well-nourished, plump and healthy skin. It also stimulates the immune system and calms, soothes and restores.


Rooibos is a comparatively small but bushy shrub that grows exclusively in the Cederberg region of South Africa's Western Cape. It is a member of the fabled Cape Fynbos Kingdom and is chock a block with antioxidants, zinc and ascorbic acid.

Caffeine-free Rooibos tea is a well-known by-product of the plant and is exported far and wide. In more recent years the health and skin care properties of the plant have taken top billing. Today you can buy an extensive range of skin, body and beauty products formulated using Rooibos as the main ingredient.

Clinical trials have shown that Rooibos is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and dry and inflamed skin. According to studies conducted by a world-renowned South African university (Stellenbosch University), the versatile little plant even has the ability to arrest the replication of precancerous skin cells!


The Baobab tree is one of the largest trees on earth. It is also one of the strangest looking as it appears to have been planted upside down. Despite its rather stark appearance dominated by a massive smooth-skinned trunk, spindly branches and sparse covering of leaves, the Baobab is literally the 'tree of life'.

It can store tens of thousands of liters of water in its trunk and is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Its leaves, fruit, and bark have been used for eons as a rich food source and to treat an endless array of ailments and illnesses.

But it is the oil of the Baobab tree that is so priceless to the cosmeceutical industry. The rich golden oil has a lovely nutty aroma and is singularly responsible for moisturizing, tightening and toning the skin. Scars, bruises, and blemishes disappear within weeks due to its natural skin regeneration properties, leaving your skin soft, elastic and silky smooth.

The fruit and oil of the Baobab have been clinically proven to enhance the skin by preventing aging, boosting elasticity, evening out skin tone and refreshing and rehydrating.

If you are wondering what the magic formula is; it's found in the composition of the oil. Apart from Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, your skin will enjoy the myriad positive effects of sterols, proteins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and amino acids!
