Advocate Harbour Color Shaded Relief Map

Posted on the 15 June 2015 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Advocate Harbour Color Shaded Relief Map

A new large 8 foot color shaded relief map has been created for Advocate Harbour, Nova Scotia and posted for display at a local tourist kiosk. Now both tourists and residents of the area will be able to gain a better appreciation of the topography that borders the Northern Bay of Fundy region, as well as perhaps discover some new scenic places that they may have yet to discover.

The 5m resolution color shaded relief was created from elevation and topographic data made available from GeoGratis under the Open Government Licence with a combination of PCI geomatica and Adobe illustrator software.

Color shaded relief models help indicate terrain displacements using shadow effects relative to an artificial sun angle and altitude. This effect combined with a color ramp provides subtle shadings that we naturally perceive as depth, helping the image to appear three dimensional. Cooler (greens) colors help represent areas with lower relief while warmer (yellow and orange) help depicting areas with greater elevations.

More Examples of color shaded relief (CSR) models that I have created can be found here.