Advanced Style Book Signing

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Advanced Style Book Signing
Last week I was lucky enough to go to not one, but two book signingsfor Ari Cohen's newest bookAdvanced Style Older And Wiser!
For such an exciting dayI knew I wanted an outfit that could take me from morning to night!
For methe best way to always to thatis with a core outfit baseand changes of accessories!I for one can never stand to wear the same outfit day into nighteven at home.So simply changing outfit building blocksis a sure fire way to feel new and refreshedeven when changing at a hotel or home is an option.
Advanced Style Book Signing
I had been wondering what I would be wearing for such an auspicious occasionas an Advanced Style book signingespeciallysince I knew so many of my favorite style muses would be attending!
I opted for my go to color palette of my beloved cremes.I chose a mid calf culottemy always in rotationFree People slip tunicwith a wrap tie blouse over the tunicFrom this base I knew I could style several outfits for the days special events!
Advanced Style Book Signing
The first fabulous event waslunching with the always chic and stylishDorrie from
Senior Style Bibleand her beautiful daughter Jodie!They were both in Beverly Hills visiting from Las Vegas.
Advanced Style Book Signing
Jodie had arranged a fantastic table at the uber chicCecconi's 
in West hollywood.
What a stylish movie production following this restaurant pulls in!Chic people watching to be sure!

After lunch it was photo shoot timewhere we had a few from Italywho asked to be in the pictures!

After the photo shootJeff and I spent some time exploring the neighboring areas.

We stopped for a cocktail at Sur.Those of you who watch Vanderpump Rulesorthe Housewives of Beverly Hills are sure to recognize it.
Next it was off to the long awaited book signing atBook Soup in Hollywood!

For the book signingI did a mini changethat consisted of different accessories.
I added my faux fur vestover my base creme outfit velvet hydrangea crownvintage crystal earringsbone and crystal bracelets
Tom Ford glasses
to better see everyone!
With these simple changes I felt perfectly freshened for the day'snext eventof finallygetting to meet Ari Cohen of
Advanced Style
 in person!

I was absolutely mesmerized by not only Aribut the magnificent women from the book!

After such and amazing nightand knowing my dear friend Elizabeth form
Vintage Contessa famewould be down in San Diegofor another signing ofAdvanced Style Older and WiserI knew I just had to go againto get another book signed for my mother for Mother's Dayand
 pictures I had forgotten to getbecause I was so moved by the conversations the night before!

The marvelous Valerie form my favorite kimono shop
Le Bel Age Boutique
 was there as well!To find out more about Valeriecheck out the Antique Contessa's post HERE

Another reason I just had to go backwas to spend more time with this extraordinary womenwhom I absolutely adore.
Sarahmeijewels on instagramI have been following Sarah since she burst onto the Advanced Style  scenea year and a half ago in Australia!We have communicated on Instagram since thenas she travels the world with her new modeling career!You might have seen her on the WWD cover last week!And if not you will certainly be seeing more of her all over very soon!

Meeting the man of the hour himself
Ari Cohen of
Advanced Stylewas such an honor!He is so humble and sweetI can understand fully how he is able to find such beautify in his street photography!He is able to find beauty in everyone!

If you haven't gotten his latest bookI would highly recommend doing so!I came for the personal stylebut leftfeeling absolutely uplifted and inspiredby so many magnificent womenthat truly demonstratethat aging is to be celebratedandlife is to be lived to the fullest!

It was a magical couple of nightsthat left me realizingevery time we can get our soul lit to a higher flamewe are then so much more empowered to spreadthat light to others!

As always my friend
I wish you love and joyas you style your life