Adidas Values and Corporate Culture

By Golfrefugees

Golf equipment company TaylorMade, owned by German sportswear group Adidas, issued a strongly worded statement criticising Garcia; "Sergio Garcia's recent comment was offensive and in no way aligns with TaylorMade-adidas Golf's values and corporate culture"
I thought it was a very interesting to compare Garcia’s poor joke with corporate values.
What are Adidas values and corporate culture? Adidas were heavily criticised for refusing to cough up severance pay for 2,800 Indonesian garment workers.
Along with other major sports brands they rely on sweatshop labor to produce their goods worn by Garcia and Co. I wonder if anyone would bat an eyelid if Garcia had jokingly said “do you like my new sweatshop threads?”

Are ‘real’ corporate values a race to the bottom in terms of wages, working conditions and environmental protection for their supply chain in Asia?
What would happen if Adidas decided to pollute rivers in their home country; Germany, in the same manner as they pollute rivers in Asia?
Corporate culture and values. It’s a funny old world.