Addiction Inbox (D)Evolves Into Paperback

By Dirkh @dirk57

A curated collection of blog posts in print.

Online is where journalism is happening now, but it is a truism that most of the world’s repository of knowledge is still found in books. It is also true that Addiction Inbox now comes in paperback, from Amazon. For cheap. Also available in Kindle, for just unbelievably cheap.
 I have selected and arranged a “best of the blog” collection,  meant to serve as a handy off-the-shelf compendium of science-based information on drugs and addiction. Is shoplifting the opiate of the masses? Does menthol really matter? Can ketamine and other party drugs cause permanent bladder damage? The posts are arranged in four sections: Research, The New Synthetics, Treatment, and Interviews/Book Reviews. This anthology of articles—the one my mother refers to is “your little blog book”—is designed to bring multiple perspectives to bear on questions of drugs, addiction, and treatment. For just ridiculously cheap.
Cassie Rodenberg at Scientific American’s White Noise blog was kind enough to review Addiction Inbox, the book: “The author relates the real life to the scientific, noting his own struggles with addiction, yet doesn’t get bogged down in personal tales. Rather, the writings use life tidbits as jumping off points for scientific explanation and an overarching discussion of addiction’s media landscape.”
Which was pretty much what I was hoping to do when I started this blog….