Acupuncture Facial | Review

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

Just before Christmas I was contacted by Sharon from Hampshire Acupuncture. She asked whether I would be interested in reviewing one of her acupuncture facials…Need I say more?

Being a Beauty Therapist, I’m always keen to learn, try, and research new beauty treatments, (Well new to me). It also comes with the blogging territory.

I’m not going to lie, the thought of acupuncture on my face did scare me a little, I mean we are talking about someone putting needles in my face. SO of course I got myself on ‘google’, (What did we ever do with out it?) googling the ‘benefits’, and started a bit of a twitter convo. Luckily Sharon was happy to meet me prior to the facial, to discuss the treatment and show me the needles. And it just took one cuppa tea to get me very excited. I could of spent a good few hours chatting to Sharon about acupuncture, its one of those treatments which just fascinate me. And its benefits seem to be endless. Even Kim K has it done.

Acupuncture is said to help reduce the signs of ageing, help problem skin, back pain, stomach complaints and all sorts. All I really wanted was to improve the appearance of my skin, I was hoping the micro trauma caused by the needles would increase the collagen activity in my skin, and 24 hours after the treatment it most certainly had.


OK so, its not like your everyday spa treatment, none of that soothing music, or dimmed lights. But there is something quite relaxing about taking the time out to lie there, on a couch, and not do anything else.

We began with a lifestyle consultation form, before Sharon started placing needles in my feet and hands, which is meant to balance the energy in the body and relax you. As it was my first treatment I didn’t quite relax until the needles were all in, but now I have had one treatment, I think I would be fine on the next one. Who knew needles in the skin would be so relaxing?

I had quite a few needles placed in my face, around the jaw line, on the top of the head, the ears, around the brow line, and the mouth, (Most the areas treated for the signs of ageing). Prior to the needles being put in place, Sharon cleansed my skin with a hyaluronic acid serum, some numbing cream over the brows and around the nose, (The more sensitive areas), and after the needles were taken out, Medik 8 products were used.

The needles used were high quality, as fine as hair, and although I felt a couple go in, 80% off them were inserted without any feeling at all. I did have some redness after the treatment, but I’ve had worse redness from waxing my brows. There is a risk of bruising, but luckily I didn’t, (And I do tend to bruise easily).

After the treatment I felt very relaxed, and very sleepy. I had it on the Friday night which was ideal, but it wasn’t until the Sunday that I saw the full effect of the treatment. My skin looked more glowing, and my blemish marks looked slightly reduced. I was told it takes a few treatments to get the full effects, so I can imagine if I had a course of acupuncture I would really see a lasting improvement in my skin tone.


Sharon operates out of Alresford (The Studio) and Femme Fatale in Swanick Lane, Swanick (Winchester/Southampton).  She can also do neck lifts and cellulite reduction treatments.

Sharons prices are £125 per facial, with a 10% discount if you book and pay for a course of 8 in advance. She recommends a course of 4 facials on consecutive weeks and then 4 or so more on fortnightly intervals.

Its a little pricey compared to some facials out there, but the theory behind acupuncture is very interesting, and it certainly has more health benefits to it than you standard facial.

Have you ever had an Acupuncture treatment? Would you try it?

 Lots of Love,
