This is my skin now. No makeup. I had just woken up when I took these.
I have scars, yes. But honestly, I can live with the scars. It's the awful red cysts that I can't stand. All the research I've ever read has stated that pimples around the chin area is because of a hormone imbalance. I really don't ever get pimples anywhere else besides my chin. I'm not quite sure how hormones work and why there is an imbalance present in me but I can state without a doubt that dairy attacks my body and I'd much rather live without it.
Here I am in the summer of 2010. I was fifty pounds heavier, standing at the edge of the Mississippi River, eating the one thing that was causing my breakouts. It's taken a lot of trial and error. I've used creams and face soaps and I've even tried medications. Nothing worked. Until I gave up dairy.