According to Pam: Steve Jobs

By Renascence309 @renascence309

Although this post doesn’t have much to do with the roaring Montreal nightlife or social scene, I couldn’t resist blogging about Steve Jobs’s resignation as Apple’s CEO. For as long as I can remember my classrooms have been filled with shiny and new Apple laptops, the only light in the dim class originating from the brand’s iconic Apple logo.

In fact, Jobs’s determination and dedication towards his product helped Apple Inc. attain the title as the world’s largest technology corporation.

The inspiration for this post comes after reading an article one of our facebook followers posted on the Renascence wall. It’s called “Jobs On life” – I’ll post the link down below because I think all of you should read it. In the article, Jobs preaches to a group of Stanford grads three crucial stories from his past.

The story that struck me most? Well, the one that reminded me of Renascence of course! As we’ve stated before, the dictionary definition of Renascence is the revival of something dormant. In our case, the revival of our friendship inspired us to create the tumblr which led to our blog. Writing about our experiences is something we love to do. Although this isn’t a full-time job today, we all decided to keep up this endeavor as long as we still love what we’re doing, perhaps take it further and further as the years progress. In the word’s of a man who built an empire, “…the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”

In honor of Mr. Jobs, I’m going to head over to the Apple store on St-Catherine today. I don’t need a new laptop, Ipod or phone, but I want to somehow commemorate the “cult” that is Apple. I don’t know, maybe I’ll buy a laptop case or something.

Thank you for sharing this article with us Elyse Rowen.

It’s given me so much motivation to continue working on Renascence and do what I love.


- Pam x

“Jobs on Life”